
Create a new environment

conda create -n godzilla

Setup conda forge

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority strict

Install dependencies

conda install python clang gfortran zlib autoconf automake libtool cmake openmp lcov

Build MPICH 3.4.2

./configure --prefix=$CONDA_PREFIX \
   --enable-shared \
   --enable-sharedlibs=clang \
   --enable-fast=O3 \
   --with-pm=hydra \
   --disable-java \
   --with-device=ch3:nemesis \
   --enable-g=meminit \
   --disable-opencl \
   CC=clang CXX=clang++ FC=gfortran

Build PETSc 3.16.1

./configure --prefix=$CONDA_PREFIX \
   --shared-libraries \
   --with-debugging=no \
   --with-cxx-dialect=cxx14 \
   --with-pic=yes \
   --with-ssl=no \
   --download-chaco=yes \
   --download-ptscotch=yes \
   --download-ml=yes \
   --download-hypre=yes \
   --download-fblaslapack=yes \
   --download-metis=yes \
   --download-parmetis=yes \
   --download-superlu=yes \
   --download-superlu_dist=yes \
   --download-scalapack=yes \
   --download-mumps=yes \
   --download-exodusii=yes \
   --download-hdf5=yes \
   --download-netcdf=yes \
   --download-pnetcdf=yes \
   --with-zlib-dir=$CONDA_PREFIX \
   CC=mpicc CXX=mpicxx FC=mpif90 \


If you installed HDF5 via some other means, do not specify --download-hdf5=yes. You can use --with-hdf=/path/to/hdf5, if the library is installed in a non-standard location.

Build godzilla

cd <path/to/godzilla>
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..


For documentation, you will also need

conda install doxygen breathe sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme sphinx-design

Build the documentation:

make doc

Instructions for linux

Instructions for MacOS X

Not supported