class Mesh
Base class for meshes.
Subclassed by godzilla::UnstructuredMesh
Public Functions
mpi::Communicator get_comm() const
Get the MPI comm this object works on.
DM get_dm() const
Get the underlying DM object.
- Returns:
Underlying PETSc DM
void set_dimension(Int dim)
Set the topological dimension of the mesh.
- Parameters:
dim – The topological dimension
bool has_label(const std::string &name) const
Check if mesh has label with a name.
- Parameters:
name – The name of the label
- Returns:
true if label exists, otherwise false
Label get_label(const std::string &name) const
Get label associated with a name.
- Parameters:
name – Label name
- Returns:
Label associated with the
void create_label(const std::string &name) const
Create label.
- Parameters:
name – Label name
void remove_label(const std::string &name)
Remove label with given name.
- Parameters:
name – The label name
DM get_coordinate_dm() const
Gets the DM that prescribes coordinate layout and scatters between global and local coordinates.
- Returns:
Vector get_coordinates() const
Get a global vector with the coordinates associated with this mesh.
- Returns:
Global coordinate vector
Vector get_coordinates_local() const
Get a local vector with the coordinates associated with this mesh.
- Returns:
Coordinate vector
Section get_coordinate_section() const
Retrieve the layout of coordinate values over the mesh.
- Returns:
Local section from the coordinate
void set_coordinate_dim(Int dim)
Set the dimension of the embedding space for coordinate values.
- Parameters:
dim – The embedding dimension
void set_coordinates_local(const Vector &c)
Sets a local vector, including ghost points, that holds the coordinates.
- Parameters:
c – coordinate vector
void localize_coordinates() const
If a mesh is periodic, create local coordinates for cells having periodic faces.
void set_up()
Sets up the data structures inside the
void set_label_value(const char *name, Int point, Int value)
Add a point to a Label with given value.
- Parameters:
name – The label name
point – The mesh point
value – The label value for this point
void clear_label_value(const char *name, Int point, Int value)
Remove a point from a Label with given value.
- Parameters:
name – The label name
point – The mesh point
value – The label value for this point
void view(PetscViewer viewer = PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD)
View the underlying DM.
- Parameters:
viewer – Viewer
std::vector<int> get_neighbors() const
Gets an array containing the MPI ranks of all the process’ neighbors.
- Returns:
Array of all neighboring ranks
mpi::Communicator get_comm() const