2D geometry

Even though formo is inherently 3-dimensional, 2D geometries are also possible. Usually you can just set all z-coordinates to 0.

In this tutorial, we create a simple 2D rectangular channel with a circular obstacle.

  1. Define some parameters, first:

    WIDTH = 5
    HEIGHT = 1
    RADIUS = 0.1
    CENTER = Point(1, 0, 0)
  2. Create the rectangular channel

    pt1 = Point(0, -HEIGHT/2, 0)
    pt2 = Point(WIDTH, -HEIGHT/2, 0)
    pt3 = Point(WIDTH, HEIGHT/2, 0)
    pt4 = Point(0, HEIGHT/2, 0)
    wire_rect = Wire([
        Line(pt1, pt2),
        Line(pt2, pt3),
        Line(pt3, pt4),
        Line(pt4, pt1)
    rect = Face(wire_rect)
  3. Create the circular obstacle

    wire_circ = Wire([
        Circle(CENTER, RADIUS)
    circ = Face(wire_circ)
  4. Cut a “hole” into channel:

    channel = cut(rect, circ)
  5. Export the final result

    write("channel.step", [channel])